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.新增國泰世華CUBE App帳號登入首次OTP確認身分機制
.新增可以選擇透過國泰世華網銀App代號密碼, 免填註冊資料即可完成註冊,並且一併開通網路服務資格
catch few bugs
- 遠距服務,包含保單服務、理賠、保費、視訊訪問,宅在家也能透過 App 請業務員服務
- 遠距投保拍照功能上線,宅在家也能透過 App 請業務員服務
- 保單借款紓困專案,提供線上完成申辦
- 一些 bug fixed
- 新增要保文件電子簽功能
- 新增首頁活動提醒功能
- 新增提醒用戶新版 Google Fit 綁定說明
- 修正首頁閃退
- 修正健康數據上傳問題
- 修正一些小問題
1. 保單借款流程優化
2. 服務中心名稱改稱分支機構
3. 修正保單借款的小問題
1. 新增登入提示,提醒用戶勿點擊來路不明簡訊訊息連結
2. 修正透過更多入口,使用保單借還款功能問題
- 保單還款新功能上線
- 調整一些使用體驗
- 修復一些小小的bug
- 11月來點 "小樹點"!11月活動上線
- 也同步修正一些小bug
1. 註冊流程優化
2. 配合 Android 11 調整
3. 保單保額新增幣別
4. 保單明細姓名,新增原住民羅馬拼音
5. 網路投保修正文案
6. 寶可夢10月活動上線
7. 寶可夢打卡修正一些小bug
8. 小樹點10月活動上線
1. 全新集團會員點數「小樹點」上線囉!歡迎加入小樹生活圈!
2. 修正平版無法下載問題。
1. Cathay Walker寶可夢最新團體點位打卡賽上線。
2. 7/1後,手機取消可以撥打0800免付費電話,但可以使用免付費的網路電話唷!
3. 調整旅平險投保及易call保說明文字。
1. 新增保單借款推薦碼功能
2. 挑掉了幾隻頑皮的小蟲子
1. 理賠線上通知可拍照上傳理賠文件
2. 修正了理賠拍照上傳閃退問題
3. 理賠線上補全
4. 客訴直撥專線
1. 增加查詢團險保單的功能
2. 調整服務據點內容
3. 修正重設密碼/忘記密碼成功後,未取消快速登入問題
4. 修正網路交易密碼閃退問題與幾個小bug
過年了,穿新衣,國泰人壽 APP 也更新!!! 這次更新了:
- 調整「修改會員密碼」的規則
- 修正忘記密碼中電話號碼長度問題
- 修正保戶卡取得QR Code的閃退問題
樹寶已修復安卓平板無法安裝的問題, 有平板的朋友趕快更新喔 !
- More policy alternations could now be made in Cathaylife App! Such as reduce coverage amount, reduce paid-up insurance, and investment funds allocation.
- Micro-cosmetic surgery to make interface more intuitive
- Catch a few hiden bugs
- More policy alternations could now be made in Cathaylife App! Such as reduce coverage amount, reduce paid-up insurance, and investment funds allocation.
- Micro-cosmetic surgery to make interface more intuitive
- Catch a few hiden bugs
We have killed some bugs and added some more useful functions in this version.
1. New Year "Finding Doggy" event (by 3/31)
2. Policy details
3. Coverage details
4. Claim
We have killed some bugs and added some more useful functions in this version.
1. New Year "Finding Doggy" event (by 3/31)
2. Policy details
3. Coverage details
4. Claim
We have killed some bugs and added some more useful functions in this version.1. New Year "Finding Doggy" event (by 3/31)2. Policy details3. Coverage details4. Claim
We have killed some bugs and added some more useful functions in this version.1. New Year "Finding Doggy" event (by 3/31)2. Policy details3. Coverage details4. Claim
We have killed some bugs and added some more useful functions in this version.1. New Year "Finding Doggy" event (by 3/31)2. Policy details3. Coverage details4. Claim
We killed some bugs in this version.
We killed some bugs in this version.
We killed some bugs in this version.
Bug fix.
bug fix